
One way of measuring how healthy our diets are is to look at how many portions of fruit and vegetables we eat each day. The national recommendation for children and young people (as well as for adults) is to eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables each day. Surveys have found that only 13% of children aged 2-15 years in the Greater Glasgow and Clyde area meet this recommendation. This proportion is comparable to Scotland as a whole.

child 5fruit veg GGC 2008 09click on graph to enlarge

Notes on data

The Scottish Health Survey is a national survey which collects information from adults and children on their health and lifestyle behaviours. Parents are asked about how many times their children eat fruit and vegetables each day, whilst older children and teenagers answer these questions themselves. Information from this survey is only available at the level of NHS health boards, so the data is for NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde rather than for Glasgow City.