Cities comparison of vacant and derelict land

Percentage of land in Liverpool, Manchester and Glasgow classed as 'vacant or derelict'
VDL comparison

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This comparison shows that a greater proportion of land in Glasgow is classed as vacant or derelict than in Liverpool and in Manchester. 


This graph is drawn from GCPH research on the causes of 'excess mortality' in Glasgow. 

There is a vast amount of research literature linking aspects of the physical environment to population health. The synthesis of evidence from the excess mortality research stated that it was highly likely that a higher percentage of Glasgow’s population live near to this type of environment compared with the populations of these two English cities.

In relation to its impact on excess mortality in Glasgow, it was concluded that 'i
t is at least plausible that differences in the physical environment (potentially acting as ‘unmeasured’ differences in the experience of social deprivation) between Glasgow, Liverpool and Manchester, and between other areas of Scotland compared with England & Wales, contribute, via particular causal pathways linked to aspects of mental and physical health, to levels of excess mortality in Scotland. The size of that contribution, however, is difficult to determine.'

For further information on the 'excess mortality' research go to the excess mortality page on the GCPH website.

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    Your Better Life Index

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    The Sustainable Cities Index

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    Monday, 1 December 2008

    Good Places Better Health

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