Glasgow City Region

Population trends within the Glasgow City Region, 1982-2021
pop GCR LAs trend 1982 2021
Click on graph to expand

There have been contrasting population trends in the local authorities in Glasgow City Region over the last 4 decades (1982-2021). In this period the population of some local authorities has reduced substantially - Inverclyde (-24%), Glasgow (-10%), and West Dunbartonshire (-16%). However, in contrast, over the same period, the populations of East Renfrewshire's and South Lanarkshire increased, by 20% and 5%, respectively.

Between 2007 and 2020, there was a steady rise in Glasgow's population, but in 2021 the city's population reduced slightly in commnon with trends seen in Scoltand's other large cities. This is being interpreted by NRS as a COVID-19 related impact with reductions in city populations attributed to people moving out of cities into surrounding local authorities. While Glasgow's population contracted slightly between 2020 and 2021, reducing by 0.1%, the population of every adjacent surrounding local authority in the region rose by 0.1% - 0.6%.


It is worth noting that the local authority populations do not reflect the size of the wider surrounding conurbation. For example, the Greater Glasgow and Clyde population is 1.2 million, and using a wider definition of the Glasgow conurbation, encompassing the West of Scotland and including Lanarkshire and parts of Ayrshire, would bring the population to above 2 million.

Additional Resources

  • Resource
    Thursday, 26 May 2011

    Your Better Life Index

    A new, interactive index allowing users to measure and compare their lives.
  • Resource
    Sunday, 1 November 2009

    Miniature Glasgow - Video

    An extension of the GCPH's work profiling Glasgow's health, produced in collaboration with the International Future Forum.
  • Resource
    Monday, 3 April 2006

    Let Glasgow Flourish

    A comprehensive report on health and its determinants in Glasgow and West Central Scotland
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