Cost of Healthy Food

Income needed to purchase healthy food, UK
Inc needed for food UK 2021Click chart to expand image

The Food Foundation calculated the cost of healthy eating for families in different income quintiles. Keeping to the Eatwell Guidelines costs an adult £7.34 per day.

Accounting for housing costs and family sizes, those in the poorest quintile needed to spend 47% of their disposable income per week on healthy food to keep to these guidelines. Those in the wealthiest quintile only had to spend 11% of their disposable income on healthy food.

We cannot compare these figures with previous years since the methodology has changed. However, in previous years, figures were presented for each income decile, with the largest gap appearing between the most deprived decile (who, in 2019, needed to spend 76% of their disposable income to eat healthily) and the second most deprived decile (who needed to spend 27%).

Additional Resources

  • Resource
    Wednesday, 2 June 2010

    SIMD Analysis: Future Projections

    An analysis of the reasons behind the recent decline of deprivation in Glasgow, with tend projections towards 2015.
  • Resource
    Sunday, 1 November 2009

    Miniature Glasgow - Video

    An extension of the GCPH's work profiling Glasgow's health, produced in collaboration with the International Future Forum.
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