Social support

The information below was taken from the 3 City Survey undertaken in 2011. In this survey a series of questions were asked about social contact with family, friends and neighbours. 

Respondents who speak to their neighbours most days in Glasgow, Liverpool and Manchester

3 cities speak to neighbours

Click on graph to expand

More respondents in Glasgow (79%) said they spoke to their neighbours most days than in Liverpool (73%) and in Manchester (68%). 

Respondents who have contact with their relatives by email, text or social media on most days in Glasgow, Liverpool and Manchester
3 cities contact with relatives email txt soc media
Click on graph to expand

Social media contact with friends and relatives appeared less frequent in Glasgow compared with Liverpool and, especially, Manchester.

Respondents who meet up with friends on most days in Glasgow, Liverpool and Manchester
3 cities meet up friends
Click on graph to expand

Alongside respondents in Manchester, Glaswegian respondents had slightly less frequent personal contact with friends than those in Liverpool. 


The 3 City Survey was carried out in partnership between the Glasgow Centre for Population Health and Health Scotland.  The full report can be found 

The survey was carried out between July and November 2011.  The sample size was 3,701 in total (1,288 in Glasgow, 1,202 in Liverpool and 1,211 in Manchester). This was achieved with an overall 55% response rate, ranging from 53% in Manchester to 58% in Glasgow (the rate for Liverpool was 55%), and from 53% in the least deprived areas of the three cities to 58% in the most deprived areas.

Additional Resources

  • Resource
    Sunday, 1 November 2009

    Miniature Glasgow - Video

    An extension of the GCPH's work profiling Glasgow's health, produced in collaboration with the International Future Forum.
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