Click the indicators below to explore the data
- Population
- Work and welfare
- Poverty and wealth
- Health
- Housing
- Environment
- Transport and travel
- Learning
- Crime and safety
- Food
- Culture
- Power and participation
Births, deaths, estimates, projections...
Employment, unemployment, economic inactivity...
Access to banking, child poverty, deprivation...
Life expectancy, healthy life expectancy, mental health, physical activity, smoking, alcohol, drugs
Households, housing quality and tenure, fuel poverty, homelessness...
Carbon emissions, air quality, greenspace,...
Travel to work, travel to school, cycling...
School leavers, attainment, attendance, qualifications...
Crime rate, priority areas, anti-social behaviour, violence...
Food system, nutrition, food economy, community food, food insecurity...
Arts, culture, events, sports participation...
Trust, views of local area, influencing decisions, voting....
Infant mortality, breastfeeding, dental decay, assaults,....
Pupil population, attendance, attainment, leavers destinations,...
Poverty, worklessness, financial difficulties, vulnerability,...
Self-esteem, bullying, aspirations, worries...
Looked after children, child protection, parental substance abuse, violence,....
Population estimates, projections, births,...
About the Glasgow Indicators project
Find out more about the project's background and aims, and what we are planning to do with it in the future

Various films on travel and health, Glaswegian's views of the city and Miniature Glasgow

The Glasgow Game
A game looking at health in the city of Glasgow

Neighbourhood profiles, children and young people's profiles and children's report cards