Independent Schools
NB: The information here relates to 2014 and can no longer be kept up-to-date as the independent school census has ceased.
In addition to Glasgow’s local authority run schools, there are a number of independent schools in Glasgow and one grant aided school funded by the Scottish Government.
There are 14 independent schools located in Glasgow and the Clyde Valley local authorities, with a total of 6,638 enrolled pupils. Ten of the schools are located within Glasgow City. Of the 14 schools within the Glasgow and Clyde Valley area, one is an all-girls school, two are primary schools, one is a junior college providing vocational, rather than academic education for 14-16 year-olds, one is a aimed at children aged between 10 and 18 with autism or other complex, social, emotional or behavioural difficulties, and one is a secure unit providing secondary education.The remaining eight cover mainstream primary and secondary education for both boys and girls.
Three of the 14 schools are Special schools1,2 and the rest provide mainstream education.
Jordanhill school is a grant aided school funded by the Scottish Government.
Within Scotland as a whole there are a total of 100 independent schools with 30,767 registered pupils in 2014 (Scottish Government; Scottish Council of Independent Schools); of these 29,615 attend mainstream independent schools and 892 attend Special independent schools
The information on this page was provided by the Scottish Government. The 14 schools in Glasgow and Clyde Valley may well attract pupils from a much wider catchment area.
The independent school census was published up until 2009.
1 The Additional Support for Learning Act defines a special school as (a) a school, or (b) any class or other unit forming part of a public school which is not itself a special school, the sole or main purpose of which is to provide education specially suited to the additional support needs of children or young persons selected for attendance at the school, class or (as the case may be) unit by reason of those needs.
2 Of the three independent special schools, one is for children with autism and other complex social/emotional/behavioural needs, one is a residential secure unit for children who have been referred by the courts or by a children’s hearings, and one offer non-academic education for 14-16 year-olds.
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ResourceThursday, 6 December 2012
Going to Gothenburg: Reflections on a Study Visit