The Scottish Government does not collect large amounts of data on the environment but does collate and publish statistics from a number of sources. The environmental statistics section of its website provides access to a range of information as well as commentary, metadata and links to sources of additional information.
Scottish Government Statistics also provides a range of small area statistics including information on health, education, poverty, unemployment, housing, population, crime, social/community issues at the data zone level.
The Scottish Government has recognised that to deliver on the Government's purpose, themes and national outcomes there is a need for greater connections around how physical environment influences health. It published an implementation plan, 'Good Places, Better Health', in 2008, signalling a commitment to understanding and mapping out the complexities of the relationship between environment and health, improving the collation and interpretation of evidence and applying knowledge and learning via policy and actions nationally and locally to develop health-nurturing environments.
The Healthy Environment Network is a forum linking those with an interest in, or influence upon, the interface between human health and the environment. The membership includes individuals from organisations such as local authorities, NHS health boards, Scottish Government, other public sector bodies, universities, third sector organisations and other networks. The network acts as a forum for the exchange of information between sectors, organisations and professions and hosts an annual learning event to inform priorities and to provide networking and learning opportunities.
The Glasgow & Clyde Valley (GCV) Green Network is a significant regional component of the CSGN and leads a programme of strategic greenspace enhancements "designed to promote healthier lifestyles, better environments, greater biodiversity, stronger communities and economic opportunity". The network partnership aims to improve the scale, quality and value of green space across the whole of the Glasgow metropolitan area, transforming the living and working environment for nearly two million people and make the city region more competitive as a location for investment. It will also involve working with planners and housebuilders to integrate new development into the green network.
ResourceThursday, 26 May 2011
Your Better Life Index
A new, interactive index allowing users to measure and compare their lives. -
ResourceWednesday, 18 May 2011
The Sustainable Cities Index
Progress on sustainability, highlighting environmental performance, quality of life and their readiness for the challenges of the future -
ResourceMonday, 1 December 2008
Good Places Better Health
A new approach to environment and health in Scotland