

Scottish Government – Poverty

In 2016, the Scottish Government appointed an independent advisor on poverty and inequality, Naomi Eisenstadt, who published a report, Shifting the Curve - A Report to the First Minister, in 2016. 

Achieving Our Potential - the Scottish Government's Framework to tackle poverty and income inequality was published in November 2008. It set out a joint approach between the Scottish Government and CoSLA and links with other Scottish Government policy frameworks for addressing health inequalities, Equally Well and the Early Years Framework.

The income and poverty statistics area of the Scottish Government site provides information about income and poverty statistics for Scotland. Included within this area are local statistics

Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation

The Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation identifies small area concentrations of multiple deprivation across Scotland in a consistent way. The Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation 2016 is based on 38 indicators across 7 domains, namely income, employment, health, education, skills and training, housing, geographic access and crime.

Scottish Household Survey

A Scottish Government survey; the aims of which include informing policy on transport and social justice. In relation to poverty, the survey includes relevant questions on income, employment, financial status and access to a bank account.

Scottish Government Statistics

This Scottish Government website provides a range of small area statistics including information on health, education, poverty, unemployment, housing, population, crime and social/community issues at different geographical levels from data zone to local authority.
Further reading

In July 2016, Citizens Advice Scotland, published Living at the Sharp End.  This report describes steep rises in requests for crisis support advice, including advice relating to food banks, financial crisis support, food parcels based on data gathered during 2015 and 2016.  It documents the impacts of low or no income, the causes of periods of low income and makes recommendations about increasing people's resilience to income shocks, about how to prevent gaps in income and about improving crisis assistance. 

In June 2016, Jonathan Morduch, Professor of Policy and Economics at New York University gave a talk in Glasgow on The hidden lives of low income households; David Hilferty of Money Advice Scotland has written an accompanying blog commenting on the seminar. 

A recent study commissioned by GCPH investigated the spatial distribution of deprivation in Glasgow, Liverpool and Manchester. A report of this work can be accessed from the main GCPH website.

A report prepared by GCPH on The Rise of In-work Poverty can be accessed from the main GCPH website

Attitudes to poverty in the city are reported in the findings of the Glasgow Household Survey report 2016.

  • Resource
    Wednesday, 2 June 2010

    SIMD Analysis: Future Projections

    An analysis of the reasons behind the recent decline of deprivation in Glasgow, with tend projections towards 2015.
  • Resource
    Sunday, 1 November 2009

    Miniature Glasgow - Video

    An extension of the GCPH's work profiling Glasgow's health, produced in collaboration with the International Future Forum.