Travel to school
Mode of travel to school in Scottish Cities
click on graph to expand
Among Scotland's largest four cities, levels of active travel to school - defined here as walking, cycling or scootering/skating - are highest in Edinburgh where 64% of children used an active mode of travel to school in 2022. Dundee had the highest level of children being driven to school of the four cities (29%).
In Glasgow, 48% of pupils travelled to school actively, while 26% were driven to school in Glasgow.
Active travel as defined here is any kind of travel to school involving significant physical activity and includes walking, cycling and scootering/skateboarding.
The Sustrans Hands Up survey has been carried out in most councils in Scotland since 2008. However not all schools in a local authority participate and not all pupils in every school surveyed take part. This may bring unforeseen biases into the results and may compromise some of the comparisons.
For more information go to the Sustrans website.
Additional Resources
ResourceThursday, 6 December 2012
Going to Gothenburg: Reflections on a Study Visit
ResourceWednesday, 18 May 2011
Hands Up Scotland 2010
Results from the largest national dataset to look at mode of travel to school across Scotland -
ResourceFriday, 1 October 2010
Moving in the right direction?
Findings from a review of transport policy in Scotland -
ResourceSaturday, 21 August 2010
Active Travel - Video
Qualitative research has been undertaken in order to better understand how and why people currently travel as they do and to explore the scope for encouraging growth in alternatives to car travel. -
ResourceTuesday, 1 September 2009
Attitudes toward active travel in Glasgow
Findings from a qualitative research project exploring how and why people travel in and around Glasgow -
ResourceThursday, 1 November 2007
How can transport contribute to public health?
A briefing paper discussing the evidence regarding the potential of transport to improve health, reduce inequalities and improve sustainability