Scottish Cities
Emergency hospital admission rates for assault, ages 0-24, Scottish cities
(click on graph to expand)
Despite fluctuation, there has been a general fall in emergency admission rates due to assault across Scotland, resulting in a 63% relative reduction from 1.7 per 1,000 (1999/2000-2001/2002) to 0.6 per 1,000 (2012/2013-2014/2015). Glasgow’s rate still exceeds Scotland’s but a 70% relative reduction has resulted in Glasgow’s rate falling from more than double the Scotland rate during 2000/01-2002/03 to 65% above the Scotland rate during 2012/2013-2014/15.
There is more on crime in the community safety section of this site.
Scottish Morbidity Records for acute inpatient stays (SMR01) have been used here to calculate the rate of admission of persons of 24 years or less to hospital following an assault (ICD10 codes in any of six diagnostic positions X85-Y09). The data was based on discharges from completed hospital stays and have been aggregated into rolling groups of three fiscal years to produce annual averages, as annual numbers are small or liable to fluctuation.
Both Glasgow specific analyses and the analysis of Clyde Valley local authority were undertaken locally; the analysis by selected Scottish Cities has been provided by the Information Statistics Division (ISD). The figures are a subset of data from the annual ISD report Unintentional Injuries, Year Ending 31st March 2015 (published 08/03/2016): Full details on data sources, methods and definitions can be found in this report.
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ResourceThursday, 6 December 2012
Going to Gothenburg: Reflections on a Study Visit