Notes on Community Safety data

The data contained within the community safety section has been taken from the following sources: -



Strathclyde Police STORM Analysts database

This database logs and records any call or incident reported to Strathclyde Police through its STORM command and Control System.

Strathclyde Police Corporate Crime Database

This database contains all Strathclyde Police crime management information. Further information in relation to the different crime classifications can be found by clicking the link below: -

Strathclyde Police Vulnerable Persons Database

This database is used to record detailed information in relation to domestic abuse and all forms of hate crime.

Strathclyde Police Consultation Survey

Strathclyde Police interview around 13,500 people each year as part of its public consultation exercise. This survey allows Strathclyde Police to assess a range of public confidence and quality of service indicators.

Scottish Government Recorded Crime Bulletin

This publication presents statistics on crimes and offences recorded and cleared up by the eight Scottish police forces, disaggregated by crime/offence group, police force area and council area. Further information in relation to the different crime classifications can be found by clicking the link below: -