Males, Deprivation

Male life expectancy trend in Glasgow by deprivation

Similarly to female life expectancy trends by deprivation, male life expectancy at birth has risen in each deprivation decile in Glasgow over nearly two decades from 2000-02 to 2017-19. The graph below illustrates the trends in the most deprived and least deprived deciles (with 95% confidence intervals) compared with Glasgow overall .
Male LE lst mst dep GlasgowClick on graph to expand

In the most deprived decile, male life expectancy increased by 2.8 years, while in the least deprived decile the increase was 5.8 years. Since 2010-12 male life expectancy has reduced in the most deprived decile. 

As a result of these trends the gap in life expectancy between the most and least deprived deciles has widened from 12.4 years in 2000-02 to 15.4 years in 2017-19, an increase of 3 years. This is illustrated in the graph below.
Male LE lst mst dep GlasClick on graph to expand


These analyses use a local Glasgow Index of Multiple Deprivation (GIMD), based on the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD).  The deprivation deciles shown are not comparable to Scottish deprivation deciles.

The data presented above were published in Health in a changing city: Glasgow 2021a GCPH report that examined demographic, socio-economic, environmental and health trends in Glasgow over the last two decades. 

Additional Resources

  • Resource
    Thursday, 26 May 2011

    Your Better Life Index

    A new, interactive index allowing users to measure and compare their lives.
  • Resource
    Wednesday, 18 May 2011

    Investigating a 'Glasgow Effect'

    Why do equally deprived UK cities experience different health outcomes?
  • Resource
    Monday, 14 February 2011

    Population with a Disability in Glasgow

    2008 Estimates for Glasgow City, Community Planning Partnership areas and Social Work Services Planning areas.
  • Resource
    Sunday, 1 November 2009

    Miniature Glasgow - Video

    An extension of the GCPH's work profiling Glasgow's health, produced in collaboration with the International Future Forum.
  • Resource
    Wednesday, 19 August 2009

    A Games Legacy for Glasgow

    Brochure outlining the potential legacy of Glasgow's role as Commonwealth Games host city in 2014.
  • Resource
    Friday, 17 July 2009

    Views of Health in Glasgow - Video

    Originally produced for an international audience at a conference in Pittsburgh, USA, this film provides insights on health concerns and beliefs drawn from interviews with Glaswegians themselves and with a group of health experts.
  • Resource
    Monday, 3 April 2006

    Let Glasgow Flourish

    A comprehensive report on health and its determinants in Glasgow and West Central Scotland
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