Glasgow City Region

Numbers of looked after children, Glasgow City Region
lac trend gcr abs 2020
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The number of looked after children in Glasgow far exceeds that of the neighbouring city region local authorities.  In 2019, the number of looked after children from these areas ranged from 102 in East Renfrewshire to 850 in North Lanarkshire, compared to 2,523 in Glasgow.

Percentages of looked after children, Glasgow City Region

lac trend gcr pc 2020b

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Glasgow had the highest percentage of children who were looked after in every year from 2011 to 2017, until West Dunbartonshire overtook Glasgow in 2018 and 2019.  The percentage of looked after children has been slowly decreasing in Glasgow since 2011.  In 2019, East Renfrewshire had the lowest percentage of children who were looked after (0.5%), with the Glasgow rate (2.3%) almost five times higher.

Children most commonly become 'looked after' following a referral to the Children's Reporter.