Trends by neighbourhood

Trends in numbers of children living in Glasgow's neighbourhoods in the period 2001-2021
child pop chang 2021 2001
Click on graph to expand

The child populations of Glasgow’s neighbourhoods have changed considerably over the last 20 years.   The number of children in 35 of the 56 neighbourhoods has decreased. The biggest reductions have been in Springburn (-984), Easterhouse (-928), Drumchapel (-642) and Ballieston & Garrowhill (-581).

In contrast, there have been increases in the number of children in 21 neighbourhoods within the city.  The largest rises have been in Govanhill (+818) and Parkhead & Dalmarnock (+736).

Percentage changes in numbers of children living in Glasgow's neighbourhoods in the period 2001-2021
Child pop perc change 2021 2001
Click on graph to expand

The graph above highlights the percentage changes in the number of children by neighbourhood over the last 20 years. The two neighbourhoods that have had the largest percentage reductions in children were Easterhouse (-34%) and Mount Vernon & East Shettleston (-32%). In contrast, the largest percentage increases have been in the City Centre & Merchant City (+64%), Greater Gorbals (+45%) and Yorkhill & Anderston (+45%).  


These estimates have been derived from NRS population estimates based on 2011 data zones.

This page was last updated in September 2022.